ENS Logistics is a seasoned ocean freight forwarder, with a solid background, we provide a full service guarantee.

The attractive part of our ENS freight forwarding services are:

  • ENS forwarding come with the biggest plus point that there is no restriction on size and weight of pkg.
  • Door to door pickup advantage.
  • Ensure appropriate mechanism is in place to track your delivery.
  • You get timely update and reports.
  • We take responsibility for maintain your shipping documents on your behalf.
  • Saves you from getting caught into the web of customs requirements that one find themselves once involved in international shipping.
  • At best prices for your road be it LLC ( less load container) or FLC(full load container).
  • Just one click away, cause you can place YOUR order online. We will receive your package and let you know after it deliver. During peak periods, we have reservation too. i.e... we make sure even at busiest season and on the busiest day, u still can ship your product.
  • Worldwide reach.
  • Safe containers and right containers for you like LCD boxes for your product.
  • Refrigeration services for perishable products/ durations for which your product can be preserved in fresh state.
  • Insurance services.
  • We have proper government license for approval of our operations.
  • We are a much known name for our expertise in supply-chain management.
  • Efficient collection and delivery to remote locations too.